Franz Nicodemus

Arizona Biltmore

RFEC Member Franz Nicodemus- Arizona Biltmore

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Probably Germany (Source: RFEC Member Henry Warren)

Deceased: Yes - Date Unknown

Joined RFEC: 1975

RFEC Medallion Number: None

More About Franz Nicodemus

  • Trained under Walter Blum as Chef de Cuisine at The Arizona Biltmore.
    (Source: RFEC Member Henry Warren)
  • Became Executive Chef at The Arizona Biltmore after Walter Blum left.
    (Source: RFEC Member Henry Warren)
  • August 1977 - "We stayed at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco (one night free and two nights at $129), compliments of Franz Nicodemus, General Manager of the Chicago Fairmont, who treated us so rudely last fall at my medical school reunion, and his most efficient secretary, Fraulein Schroetter."
    (Source: Google Search)
  • May 2007 - Coming back to our good friend Orby Anderson, he moved to Phoenix, Arizona in the mid-sixties to join the Beefeater Restaurant with his great reputation of food quality. As a partner in its operation, Orby made the restaurant even more famous. I will always remember the unforgettable meal he prepared for a Board meeting, especially the attractive appetizer served in a large burgundy glass--what a presentation!! He was very active with the Phoenix Chefs, preparing many famous dinners for charity with Mrs. Brombeck. He had the pleasure to participate as a judge, not only for charity, but at the Biltmore Hotel for its apprenticeship program started by good friends Franz Nicodemus and Bob Bland when Franz was Chef, later becoming Food & Beverage Director. Franz remained a personal friend to Orby and is presently General Manager of the Fairmont Hotel in Chicago. There were memorable conventions in Phoenix and after those years at the Biltmore and the Phoenix chefs contributions that their charter made, I am sure that John Greenwalt and Edwin Brown will never forget the graduations of this worthy program at the Biltmore with Orby Anderson in the 1970's.
    (Source: Honorable Order of the Golden Toque Newsletter - May, 2007)

Do you have more information or photos of Franz Nicodemus? Please email us and let us know.

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Pinehurst, North Carolina